Monday, July 24, 2017

Ujian Akhir Program - Final Program Exam

We just wrapped up our Final Program Exam for the senior class. This is the second time I was a test examiner. This exam is a three-week process and includes a practical portion, a written paper, and oral presentation/defense. A lot of work for a diploma!

Week 1 - the students cared for a patient for three days in the hospital shadowed by an examiner and graded on their patient assessment, intervention skills, and patient teaching.
First morning - after they picked a card with their patient room number and diagnosis. Before that they didn't know what type of patient they would have. It could be anything from a pregnant woman, to a child sick with pneumonia, to an adult admitted for a medical reason or a surgical case. They had two hours to complete a full assessment and write up a nursing care plan before they were quizzed. They were not allowed to look at any books or resources during this time. 
Some were happy at their assignment :)

Others not so much :(

Phew - first day over! But before they found out how much homework they had to prepare for their shift the next day :) 

Sometimes your nursing intervention test of giving a nebulizer treatment to a young patient with pneumonia can result in cuddles. (I had permission from the patient's parents to take a picture)  

Our team of Nursing Teachers and Examiners. We can be all smiles or we can leave you searching for the right answer for many long minutes ;) Both of these teachers are leaving us next year.

Week 2 - they wrote up a nursing care plan and paper on the disease process their patient was experiencing in consultation with their assigned nursing instructor. I consulted with 7 students.
This what the final result was at the end of the second week. This is a nursing care plan and case report for an adult patient with typhoid. 

Week 3 - they did a presentation on the paper they have written and then faced questioning by three examiners for around forty-five minutes. Only after successfully passing this three-week process are they officially considered graduates of our program.

First day of oral exams.  

One of the students doing her presentation. They are limited to between 10-15 minutes. 
This is followed by answering the examiner's questions and defending their nursing care plan. 
I think we were all glad to be done with the process. Final results will be discussed and announced tomorrow morning. In the afternoon they receive an official letter stating they have officially passed the program. This letter can be used to a a position contingent on passing the nursing board exam. Graduation will be next week, on August 3rd. 
The end of the academic year is in sight! I still have a lot grading for the other three classes I taught this semester and grades are due August 2nd but am making steady progress. A big prayer request for the Nursing School... we have recently lost three teachers, leaving us with just four nursing instructors for 130 students. We do thankfully have several masters of health teachers to help out and we also work with several nurses from the hospital, but still that is a tough loss. One of the teachers will be returning though in a few years after she completes her master's degree. To my understanding, there is not a single program in all of Indonesia that allows you to get a master's degree in nursing while also working anything close to a regular schedule. All require at least partial relocation for at least several weeks at a time. Pray we can fill those vacancies with experienced nurses with a passion for teaching and serving, preferably before the new school year starts September 4th.

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