"We see God's love for the people of Indonesia through those willing to come here to serve and love Indonesian people."This is a rough translation of what was said by one of the MMC participants during their sharing time before they left Serukam.
One of the exciting programs that has grown out of the mission and vision of the hospital here is the Medical Missions Course (MMC). This was the 11th year of hosting MMC in partnership with OMF and other organizations. This program is for newly graduated Indonesian doctors, dentists, and for the second year nurses, who are seeking God's plan for their life and to help better prepare them for serving in remote and difficult areas. Over the years the program has changed and become longer and now includes two weeks in Jakarta (the first and last) for briefing and debriefing with OMF. The remaining 11 weeks are spent based here in Serukam where they have the opportunity to participate in both classes and skills training on many different topics. Their teachers are local Serukam doctors and staff as well as people from other parts of Indonesia. Each year we also have visitors come from Malaysia, Singapore, America, and England to help teach special topics like trauma training and share the latest updates from their specialty area.
During the program the participants also spend time in daily devotions, hear evening Life Sharing sessions from guests that week, and spend time each week with a personal mentor processing what they are experiencing and learning. They also teach Sunday School and help with church services in several area churches (some several hours away by iffy roads and bridges). Last but definitely not least they spend a week each in two different villages. One is where a clinic (and soon a hospital) serves an area of the majority religion and the other is interior in a village with many animistic beliefs. In each of these villages they spend time putting what they have learned into action by developing programs to help improve people's health both physically and spiritually. Usually these weeks are some of the most challenging but rewarding of the whole experience.
So let me introduce you to the 11 young people who were part of MMC this year through their own testimonies that they wrote at the end of MMC...
Dr. Christy Abigail Wulandari
Anggie, as we know her, hopes to serve on the far eastern edge of Indonesia on the island of Papua. She shared this in her testimony:
I remember the Bible verse Ms. Iin shared with us during the opening session of MMC in Jakarta about John and James, sons of Zebedee, who came to ask something of Jesus. Jesus’ question for them was a staggering one for me, “What do you want me to do for you?” It’s actually a simple question, but God used it to help me recheck my motivation to come to MMC. He exposed all of my ambitions, self-pride, and self-reliance. In the very beginning of the MMC, God helped me to purify my desire to seek only His will and not mine, as an obedient and faithful servant.
Drg. Deo Develas
Dentist Deo was our one lone male participant for MMC this year and one of only two dentists. He shared this in his testimony:
I learned so many lessons from the local doctors in Serukam, as well as the foreign doctors who came over from their own country to give lectures and life-sharing with us. I was very curious about what motivates them to come all the way here. Based on my observation, the doctors that have committed themselves to serve in Serukam obviously have knowledge and skill not inferior to those in big cities, yet why do they dedicate themselves to people’s health in poor areas like this? In Serukam, we learned that for missionary doctors, there’s a sacrifice, there’s a price to be paid to follow Jesus and become His true disciple. I can feel the joy they have as a missionary doctors, which will never be bought with money. I see them as living examples of missionary doctors. They encouraged me to make a commitment, that I will live my life as a missionary doctor.
Dr. Esther RH Sherwani
Dr. Esther will returning to serve at Bethesda Hospital the end of July. Here is part of her testimony:
“If you have Love, you should not fear.”
This was the advice I heard from one of Serukam’s security guards as I was preparing to leave Serukam on May 21st. It was simple advice but it meant a lot to me. He reminded me to have no fear in everything, because God’s love is in me and there’s no fear in love. That morning, I felt like the universe was shaking and God was giving me such strength to walk bravely on the path of my life after MMC.
Dr. Fitriyani Simangunsong
She hopes to become a pediatrician. Here is a short bit from her testimony:
A verse from God's Word that I memorized during pause and pondering and while doing mentoring with Ms. Donda which became an affirmation for me is from James 4:14-15: “Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, “if the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.”(NKJV). God's Word taught me to always include the Lord in the planning and my struggle. I was also taught by God to be faithful in waiting for God's answer.
is from the city of Cirebon on the island of Java where Islam has a very strong hold. She hopes to return there to serve as a doctor. Here is part of her testimony:
I saw how the Lord sent the ones He wanted to come all the way from abroad to serve MMC. We were served by a team from Pantai Baptist Church in Malaysia, Adams Road Presbyterian Church in Singapore, the Kuching Team, and the UK Team. I was very blessed with the presence of these people who gave an example for me even though they are a very busy doctors. I saw how they love God and I’m sure that they have a close personal relationship with God as it is well reflected in their understanding of God's Word as they always shared with us in the morning devotion.
Dr. Grace Duma Mawarni Hutahaean
is from the city of Palangaraya in Central Kalimantan. Here is some of her testimony:
Each session during MMC
really equipped and prepared me as a missionary
doctor. There were several sessions of MMC that were memorable for me. MMC taught me the
importance of the Sabbath, to restore my relationship with God, to evaluate myself, and give my body rest. In addition, the session by Pastor Adrin during morning
devotion give about God calming the storm (Mark 4: 35-41). I was truly blessed by verse 40 "...Why are you so fearful? Why do you not believe? " I was reminded that we usually have fear and worry when control
of our life is not in our hands but, we should not be afraid when our life is in control of Jesus. As an independent person it is very difficult for me to surrender control of my life
to God. MMC taught me about surrendering to
the sovereignty of God.
dr. Jane Andrea Christiano Djianzonie
was born in the city of Bandung and raised in the small town of Bau-Bau in Southeast Sulawesi, which is a predominantly Muslim area. She hopes to do her internship year in Kendari, Sulawesi.
was born in the city of Bandung and raised in the small town of Bau-Bau in Southeast Sulawesi, which is a predominantly Muslim area. She hopes to do her internship year in Kendari, Sulawesi.
The most valuable experience during the 3 months was to be able
to jump in and share the gospel with patients and in the communities where we did our live-in experience One memorable experience was at the live-in in Sukadana, where we were
guided by Mr. Bruce's story telling method of sharing the gospel with ASRI staff in Sukadana that were from the majority religion. Here I
learned that sharing the gospel is not as difficult as I imagined with using tools such as story-telling and
praying for people.
Dr. Linna L.J. Minggu
Here is a bit of her testimony:
Arriving at Serukam, it
became clear that there were several parts of my character that God wanted to
change. It became clear to me that the teachers were able to serve the Lord
with enthusiasm, counting the cost because they already understood God’s vision
for them. All this is only because of
God’s grace in my life.
seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be
given to you as well”
Matthew 6:33
This verse has become real in
my life. Thank you to the Lord and all praise and honor to Him.
is the other dentist that joined MMC. Here is some of her testimony:
The longing to serve unreached people had been in my heart
for a long time. As time went by, I saw it more clearly when I attended
the National Medical Camp in 2012. Seeing the unreached people from remote areas,
their life far away from medical facilities and more importantly that they hadn't heard about salvation in Christ.
After I finished my dental school, that longing became increasingly stronger but I wasn’t ready to do that mission yet. I didn’t know how to do
it, nor did I have any experience. That is why I really wanted to attend MMC,
although I struggled with the cost and my family’s expectancy to work as soon
as possible after graduation. I am really thankful to God that He provided help for me through many people, so I could attend this MMC.
Marisa Perucana Sinambela
is from a small town in North Sumatra and she hopes to serve in East Indonesia. Here is a bit of her testimony:
To have a compassion for the unbelievers, just like our heavenly
Father, is my desire and it will be life-long process. I am strengthened by one
of the verses in the Bible (Romans 10:14-15) "How
then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how will they believe in him whom they have
not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they
preach, except they be sent? even as it is written. How beautiful are the feet
of them that bring glad tidings of good thing!"
Ns. Tantri Mawarni Rambe
was our only nurse this year and I was her mentor. She is also from Sumatra. Here is a bit of her testimony:
Every night we had a life-sharing session from a mentor. I saw how great is our God who chooses, uses and takes care of the life of
those who do His calling. I also see that doing mission through our
profession in a remote area is not an easy thing, that they need a good community to
help them survive in their calling. I thank God that I can listen to their
testimony and that they are good examples for my faith.
These 11 young people from across Indonesia - from the big cities to the small towns are each on a journey. It was expected by their families and friends that as soon as they had graduated they would start working in positions that would help them make money and secure a stable future for themselves. Instead they took 3 months "off" to prepare them to serve in areas of need and desire to serve as doctors, dentists, and nurses who serve through their professions as missionaries. Pray that they will clearly see God's will for their future and remain true to the call of God in their life. It will be a struggle that is many times not support by their families and friends. Pray that they will use what they have learned here to more effectively minister to the physical and spiritual needs of those they meet.